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Dating Tips(gurlzz)

How to ask someone on a date.

          First if I didn’t know the person that well then I would go up to them and politely introduce myself and make conversation then ask them out after we have talked a bit.         Second if I were friends with them then I would talk to them like any other day, and then ask if they wanted to hangout but this time as a date.         Third if I was too nervous or scared of the answer of the person I was asking out then I would get my friend or friends to ask him for me.         But for those times when I do it myself I usually ask about school, family, friends, or just anything we obviously have in common to make it easy.        

Plan the date.

          Double or single dating is best for the first date. This is because we should be able to have alone time with your date so we can get to know each other more but with double you have someone else to turn to if the date turns out to be a bust.         You should always consider the other persons curfew even your own because you need a date that works for both people. Like if you curfew is at 11 o’clock and your date’s is at 10 o’clock then we can hangout and then take the other person home first since their curfew is earlier.          Planning what to do on our date is easy most of the time. Some inexpensive places I would go would be to mall to walk around, or even just hangout at the other person’s house, or even mine. In expensive places like the movies or skating, there fun but money is evolved.  I don’t care about where we go as long as we can hangout and have fun. That’s all that matters for the first date.   

Dos and Don’ts on a date.


         On the first date is should be simple. For example something that is clean and nice looking but not like a suit or ball gown. Something like jeans and a cute top for girls or pants and a sweatshirt for guys. You want to look nice, like girls wear a little makeup but only if you normally do, or do your hair nice but nothing hard or weird. Guys should basically dress how the girl normally sees you, like at school.         If going out to eat then the guy should pay. He should really pay for most of what they do because it’s polite and respectful. There is no particular way you should get to your date. You could walk, drive, ride the bus, or whatever is easiest or that you’re into.           


          Manners are important but you don’t want to be too polite that your being your normal self. I want to see the true you.  Some manners that are appropriate if you are a guy are; Let the girl walk in front, hold the door open for the girl, pay for the date, then take her home at the end of the date, and always respect her opinion of what you are doing, and be yourself.         If you are a girl then these manners are best; don’t be rude or ignore the guy even if your friend is there include him, thank him for going out with you or asking you at, ask about his sports or family, and just plainly be yourself. 

Beliefs and Values expected.

          Personality traits are important to me. I want to like a guy who listens, communicates, understands, just helps me when I’m upset or mad, independent but needs me too, jealous of other guys that I talk to, and all around cares about me.           I would like a guy who has ambitions and goals. He should want to go to school and learn and get into a good college. And work hard to get what he wants.         Someone with good attitude and behaviors is always good.  If he can be a good sport when he loses, or he has goals, or he has a positive towards life and everyone in it.          I do not expect every guy who asks me out to be all of those or even more. I just want to see who I like and who likes me back. If there not perfect its almost better because im not perfect either. 

One Response to “Dating Tips(gurlzz)”

  1. hope u have a great date with these tips!

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